Thursday, June 30, 2011

Back at it

I gave my shins a much needed rest yesterday. Not that I really rested much yesterday. I took Lilly to the pool with my sister and her boys. We played in the baby pool for 3 hours. That was a lot of walking in the water so I am sure I got some form of calorie burn. Today I amped up my workout and while I wanted to double my burn goal I didn't quite make it. Those darn shins got me again. However I did get to 558 calories burned so not too shabby. I'm sure it will just take some time to heal. Today was another fun in the sun day but at my parent's house. I must say that I am looking forward to a day in the air conditioning. That sun was brutal today. I am a little crispy. I am looking forward to an awesome number this Sunday. My 24 day challenge is over with. I really hope that I won it. I know I worked hard enough to. Of course it won't matter if I don't but hey, who doesn't like to win? Keep going even if you have a small injury. And don't beat yourself up for taking a day to rest. Your body will thank you for it in the long haul!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you won too! And you're totally right about your body. I'm worried about those shin splints though. :( I'm so proud of you!!
