Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Yesterday my shins started hurting on the treadmill so I didn't end up finishing my workout on there. I went over to the elliptical and finished up my 400 calorie burn. I felt better so I decided that today I would just do the elliptical the whole time. I set it for 45 minutes and got to rock and rolling. Ok, I fancy myself a capable runner but doing the elliptical for 45 minutes just down right sucked. I didn't get as much calorie burn my holy crap batman! My calves were on fire. I finished up my calorie burn on the treadmill and trundled on home. I've been researching things to do in order to prevent and treat shin splints. Basically stretching them, icing them, medicating them, taping them, and treating them with different shoes is what I came up with. I have shoes from The Running Store so it can't be that. I guess i'll be doing the other stuff. In the mean time if it hurts tomorrow I just may be doing some inventive exercising in my pool. Hopefully there aren't too many people in it so that I don't embarrass myself. On to my new calorie budget. I was a smidge concerned that it would be difficult to come up with meals to stay within my allotted budget but it's not been hard at all. I went to Meijer and stocked up on all kinds of goodies. I have a lot of fruit, veggies, yogurt, and even some organic cookies and bars when I need a treat. There are so many great foods and resources out there if you really want to change your eating habits. Just remember to eat as clean as you can because "diet foods" are full of chemicals that will end up doing the opposite result. They make you have more cravings, slow down your metabolism, and some have chemicals that are under going research because they believe they cause cancer. Yikes! Go with what the good Lord provided. Eat your fruits and veggies!

1 comment:

  1. My trainer said I was getting shin splints because of the way I was rocking my foot on each step/stride. Plus, if I try to walk fast I get them, but jogging (even super slowly) is fine. Not sure if that applies to you, but I thought I'd let you know! I need to get up to your pool so we can let the kids play!

    And I'm glad you were able to find great food and aren't having too much trouble with your calories! I knew you'd be fine!

    I'm so proud of you - you're doing great!!
