Thursday, January 12, 2012

Two challenges

I decided to do two challenges. One I think will be easy on me (maybe not my arms) but the second one will kick my booty. I'm just sure of that.

The first one is a plank challenge by Ben from Ben Does Life and it is a 30 day challenge. You hold yourself in plank position and time yourself. The goal is to get better and better each day and by the end of 30 days have more ripped arms than when you started. Nice huh? I'm only at 1 minute 16 seconds right now but i'm hoping to be around 3 and a half minutes by the end of the 30 days. Super fun and easy challenge so do it! :)

Second challenge is from Body Rock TV and it is a 30 day challenge as well. Now this one I think will be pretty hard so it will most likely be my only workout for the day. Day one is a fitness test and it about killed me. Ok, well I didn't do THAT bad but holy mamma that was difficult. You do each exercise for 50 seconds and write down how many you did. You keep track of that number and i'm sure at the end of the 30 days you will come back and do them and see how you improved. Tomorrow is Day 2 which will be my first workout. I haven't even previewed it because just looking at the picture on the video is scary. However! I want a rockin body, I want to step out of my comfort zone, and I want to become fit so i'm gong to do my absolute best!

I still have yet to take measurements. I keep putting it off so that I can have Steve measure me and then I forget to when he is home with me in the morning. I'm going to either have to get up with him tomorrow morning (yuck) or just measure myself and hope that I did it right. I also need before pictures. I think i'll do some in my sports bra and shorts and some in my goal shirt and post them. I'm sure the poor little owls on my goal shirt are going to be stretched to their limit. :)

As always I hope you guys are all doing great. Check out my facebook page  and make some of the recipes, put up your stats for the challenges, or just say hi. I would love to hear from you!

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