Sunday, January 29, 2012

January and my 2012 goals

Can you believe that we are already closing one month of 2012? I feel old when I say this but I cannot believe how fast time flies! Seeing that January is almost at an end I wanted to reflect on how my goals are shaping up and what January meant to me.

I have several goals to meet this 2012. I know we are only one month into it but I am meeting these goals already. I know that some of them will continue on month to month but I am so very proud that I completed them this month! I hope that you guys will review your goals too and make any necessary arrangements so that you can meet them or continue meeting them as well!

One goal I had is to try something new every single month. I am working on trying to figure out what i'm passionate about. What moves me. What gets me out of bed and excited for the day. (Besides my sweet family of course) This month I was determined to try a Yoga class. I have been DYING to take a yoga class for years and either was too scared, didn't have the funds, or got too lazy before the year was up. So I set out, for my very first goal, to take a Yoga class. I asked Nicole if she wanted to join me and then made it happen. We took our class, warming up to hot vinyasa, this morning at Flourish Yoga Studio. It was every bit as amazing as I thought it would be. The instructor was sweet, knowledgeable, and helpful. I had no trouble keeping up with the moves and it calmed me like nothing else has. I am so pumped to take another class! Yoga is definitely all it's been touted to be.

Since I was feeling so great this week I decided to do TWO new classes. I'm jumping, leaping, and soaring out of my comfort zones and it feels great! I went to a Zumba class on Friday night at Fitness in Motion Studio. Holy. Cow. It was crazy fun and an amazing workout. I was sweaty and sore which are my two favorite "good workout" indicators. I asked Nicole to accompany me since a dear friend of mine couldn't make it to that class. She was such a sport and came with me at the last minute. What would I do without her? :) We both agreed that the price point is right, the workout was fun, and we burned a lot of calories. We will definitely do that once a week!

My weigh in day is January 31st. One full month since Nicole and I started our journeys. At this point I have lost 10lbs. I can't tell you how awesome that feels. I just want to keep going and pushing myself because I know I can be more than I have ever dreamed. At the same time it's a bit scary. I can't remember myself thinner than 185lbs. I don't know who I am as a thin and healthy person. While that thought is a bit scary it's way more exhilarating! I get to mold a whole new Becky! I get to decide the kind of person I want to be. What I want from life. How I want to raise Lilly. How I get to spend my time and energy. That is way more powerful than being scared of the unknown. If you are like me and can't remember being thin don't worry! You get to experience that journey and experience a new you that you create from scratch. You get to call the shots! Isn't that exciting?!?!?

I am so excited for February. I know it will be just as amazing as January. I'm not sure what class I want to take this February but I will be sure to let you know. Please don't hesitate to comment on here about  your journey. I love hearing about people's triumphs. If you are having a hard time share that too. We can work on it together.


1 comment:

  1. You have had such a great January! February will be just as good or even better! I'm so proud of your hard work!!
