Wednesday, March 23, 2011

New goal

I have 52 days to reach it. Why you ask? A friend of mine that I have known my whole life is getting married May 14th. Since I have known her my whole life that means that we grew up together. That also means that she will be inviting other people that I grew up with. That means that they will see me in all my chunky glory that day. Yes I know that they will be waaaaaaay more focused on her and how gorgeous she will be but I know they will also be surprised at how much weight I have gained in the 10 years since we have graduated high school. I know that I can't lose a ton of weight. I should however be able to make a nice little dent in my goal. So, my goal is to lose 2lbs a week. That should bring me to a total loss of 14lbs. Hopefully that means that I will be around 175lbs. Ok Nicole......nag me like you have never nagged before. I want total accountability for the next 52 days. It also coincides nicely with the mini. :)

1 comment:

  1. I am all OVER the nagging lol! And yes, you can do it!!
