Wednesday, March 2, 2011

4 miles. Holla!!

The Biggest Loser (or TBL as it shall now be known) is such a source of inspiration to me. I think I cried 47 times during this last episode. You root so hard for them because you know EXACTLY how it feels to be them. When they fail you feel the pain right along with them. When they excel you feel their joy. Arthur, who is the biggest guy there at 400lbs, did a 5k in an hour. THAT IS MAD CRAZY!!!! That made me feel guilt and inspiration all at the same time. I'm using too many excuses to not push myself further. So, with that inspiration in mind I headed to the treadmill. I did 1.5 miles running and .5 miles walking then Steve came home so I headed outside and walked another 1 mile and then finished it up with a 1 mile run. In total I did 4 miles. I felt soooooo good after it. I could have went further. I think that I could have ran the whole thing had I not developed a stitch in my side. This is so huge for me. When I began a change for the better I could not WALK a mile. I have jumped leaps and bounds from where I was. I need to focus on that instead of looking at how much further I have. Everything worth having takes time, dedication, and a willingness to fail but pick yourself up again. I have officially picked myself up, patted myself on the back, and drop kicked the negativity.

1 comment:

  1. That is so awesome! There is no place for negativity in this journey because you are capable of anything!
