Tuesday, February 28, 2012

2 months down....

20.8lbs gone!

I am so amazed at what hard work and dedication will get you. I can't remember being this size as an adult. I have always been in the 190's or low 200's. I am wearing a size 12 and my 14's are now my comfy jeans. I remember starting this journey and telling myself that if I could just get into a 12 I would be happy. Well, I am happy but I am so far from being done. I'm so excited to keep going and see just how healthy, fit, and happy I will be. There isn't a stopping point for me. Health and fitness is forever. I do have a stopping point with my weight loss. That is 140lbs. I only have 43lbs to go! If I keep going like I have been these past few months that will put me at my goal weight at the end of June. That means that this summer will be spent in shorts, swimsuits, dresses!!! I'll be free to go out and be me this summer. That is a feeling I haven't had in a decade or more. I know that weight shouldn't hold you back, and I've overcome that fear several times, but when it comes to clothing that shows more of your body than usual I've shied away. So swimming in a bathing suit was rare, shorts on a hot day was rare, and dresses were non-existent. So much of this journey for me is a journey to mental well-being. I feel that my weight issues have mostly been because I was unhappy, depressed, scared, and angry. In uncovering those feelings I have learned that my eating habits stem from my emotional state. In cleaning up my emotional state I am cleaning up my physical state. I am so ready to be thin but being thin is NOTHING without being happy and healthy emotionally.

I have dubbed March "Makeover March" because I want to continue to makeover my life. My diet, fitness, cleaning, decorating, mental well-being, and family activities. There is always room for improvement and I don't want to stale-mate in my life while I focus on losing weight. I want this to be a total transformation for me and my sweet little family. Please join me in Makeover March and makeover those areas in your life that need some TLC.

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