Thursday, February 24, 2011

Not what I wanted but a victory none the less

I didn't gain any weight during this stressful week even though I haven't gotten in as much exercise as I would like. I wish that I had lost weight since I didn't stress eat like usual but i'm happy with maintaining. It's a process and I know there won't be a loss everyday.

Today I did a whopping 77 push-ups during my workout with Jaime. Couple that with my 227 squats and I so am getting stronger. I'm so incredibly proud of myself for pushing through the pain and negativity that I put myself through. I really feel like I have a fighting chance in this battle against obesity.

Tonight I am making a healthified version of quiche lorraine. I'm super excited!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you being positive about not gaining and wooooohooo for 77 pushups!!! Go you!
