Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Feel the burn

Oh do I ever feel every single on of those 227 squats today. I can also feel all those crunches. I love the feeling though because I know for a fact that I had a great workout. So bring it on sucka! :)

I'm doing much better this week (yes I know i'm only on day 2) than last week. I'm still taking it one day/hour/minute/second at a time. Eventually I won't have to but for now I do and it's working for me. I was way too sore to workout but I was still going to until I got called in to work. I had to scrap it but I did get plenty of walking in a work so I don't feel too bad. I get rest days so i'll just make it today.

Dad called and gave me some bad(ish) news today. He is going to have to have another cardiac procedure tomorrow. Dr. Singh doesn't know if anything needs to be replaced or if he is going to have to do some more invasive procedures until Dad is on the operating table. That scares the bejeezes out of me but I will trust in the Lord that he will intervene and heal Dad. God is good and I have to remember that always.

Tomorrow is another day and another opportunity to improve myself. Now, off to watch some Biggest Loser and then get some rest for a stressful day.

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